Course Outline

Spring Semester 2018

Weekly Course Outline


Course Content



15 -19 Jan

Introduction to the course. Syllabus and general course outline: course content; course description, objectives and learning outcomes. Explanation of assessment and assessment criteria. Course requirements. Tasks and assignments. Writing an essay ‘About Myself’. Essay format.

Informal assessment


15 - 19 Jan

Reading a variety of program-related texts. Learning how to write an academic essay. Creative writing. Structure of an academic essay.  Formal and informal writing. Logical vs emotional. Learning how to select and organize information. Common errors.


22 - 26 Jan

Extensive reading. Developing extensive reading skills. Intensive reading. Reading texts on various academic topics. Reading tasks. Written assignments. Vocabulary and grammar. Vocabulary expansion exercises. Note taking and summarizing tasks. Writing summaries.

Informal assessment

29 Jan – 2 Feb

Basic research skills. Referencing and plagiarism. APA referencing styleThe Basics of Referencing (Massey University). In-text citationsWatching the video: How to Cite Web Site APA No Author No Date No Page Number. Intensive and extensive reading. Developing extensive reading skills: reading texts on various academic topics. 


5 - 9 Feb

Vocabulary and grammar issues (common errors). Developing writing skills. Developing paraphrasing skills (video)Methods of paraphrasing. Business Writing Fundamentals. Academic texts, business letters, memos, e-mails, cover letters and CVs. Academic research essays. 

Informal assessment


12 - 16 Feb

Academic writing: paraphrasing. Learning how to paraphrase using a variety of paraphrasing methods. Developing paraphrasing skills. Learning how to choose a research essay topic. Reading with a purpose: start collecting material for the academic essay. Choosing a research essay topic. Accumulation of vocabulary related to readings. Extensive reading.

Assessment 1 (100 marks). Written test (research skills): essay format, APA referencing style, summarizing, citations (in-text direct and indirect citations), plagiarism, and paraphrasing.


19 - 23 Feb

Accumulation of vocabulary related to readings. Developing extensive reading, comprehensive reading and academic essay writing skills. Collecting material for an academic research essay. Developing paraphrasing skills. Using writing software Grammarly (students log in and use the software).   Extensive reading.


26 – 2 Mar

Developing academic English writing skills. Vocabulary game FreeRice.  Vocabulary and grammar: exercises, quizzes and videos. Accumulation of vocabulary related to readings. Learning how to read with a purpose and find information to solve a specific problem. Writing an academic research essay.

Submit rough draft of the academic research essay (informal assessment).


5 - 9 Mar

Reading with a purpose. Learning how to find information to solve a specific problem. Writing an academic research essay. Developing language skills. Vocabulary and grammar: exercises, quizzes and videos. Learning how to describe information. Diagrams and charts.


12 - 16 Mar

Extensive reading week. Reading, contextualized vocabulary and paraphrasing. Reading on a specific topic area and making detailed, extensive notes that contain references. Reading portfolio. 
Assessment 2 (100 marks). Reading skills: submit reading portfolio; vocabulary related to readings.


19 - 23 Mar

Writing an academic research essay. Developing language skills.

26 Mar-6 Apr

Mid-semester break


9 - 13 Apr

Writing an academic research essay.
Assessment 3 (100 marks). Writing skills: academic essay.
Deadline (students submit essays).


16 - 20 Apr

Preparation for the final assessment: preparing to write an academic essay for the final exam.
Extensive reading. Reading on a specific topic area and making detailed, extensive notes that contain references. Preparation for the final assessment.


23 - 27 Apr

Preparation for the final assessment (exam).


30 Apr - 4 May

Self-study (independent learning): preparation for the final exam.


9 - 17 May

Final assessment period.
Assessment 4. Final written examination.

Click here for
Course Description, Learning Outcomes, Assessment


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